Crimes Description

Attempted murder on multiple occasions. We had an investigator look

into it thoroughly and he said there were multiple ip addresses

remotely logged into the camera the timing the hit was called. We

received several Death Threats. Our oldest daughter was sexually

threatened and harassed. She received several photos of FULLY naked

men. She is completely traumatized. Her 5 years old daughter was

harassed in front of our home by some creepy car parked on the block.


There is somebody out to kill me. They have been stalking our family

for two years now. I was almost murdered last week. This is the 3rd

time the hackers called a hitman on me, and my family. Our entire

family (3 different residences) has been CONSTANTLY STALKED AND

HARASSED FOR OVER 2 YEARS NOW. My family and I submitted several

reports and never heard back. My car was stolen. We never experienced

anything like this before. Everything we are reporting only happened

within the past 2 years.  My closest relatives are experiencing the

same Stalking/Harassment & Cyber Stalking/Harassment as well and as

American citizens we do not feel safe. Not only from these predators

but the fact that we have no protection after submitting several

reports to the Police/Law Enforcement/FBI etc...


We had multiple investigators collect substantial evidence of the

abuse. They sent a funeral home agency to my door coming to collect a

dead body (trying to scare me).We have footage of men coming with

gloves and weapons to our home not only one time there was attempted

murder. Luckily we defended ourselves. We have ALL the evidence,

footage, IP addresses, logs etc... Not to mention they tried

kidnapping my closest relatives children to add on they also broke

into her daughters home at 3 in the morning a month later. Whats going

to happen next? Are they gonna try and kidnap my sisters daughter? She

feels very unsafe that her daughter is being stalked as well.


Please help us - We have a few enemies that have an agenda and want me

and closest relatives dead. I am not sure why. Maybe ransom? Maybe

because we are Jewish?


We are an extremely peaceful family and spread nothing but love. In

fact the officer who has been protecting our home is Muslim, he is one

of the most peaceful men we ever met. Please call me or just shoot me

an email. As I am reporting on behalf of my siblings who experienced

the same exact thing as well.


All the best with peace and love, thank you for reading this.


Two men with masks, hoodies, gloves broke into our backyard heading
towards us, Our relative which we are closest with (which the stalkers
know) began experiencing the same thing. A Predator encroached her
home and physically grabbed the 2 kids attempting to run off with them
but was physically stopped. Then suddenly her other daughter's home
was broken into with two men with weapons in her kitchen. Then our
$180,000 Mercedes S63 was stolen in front of our home. Our home
Network, Cameras, Lights, TV's, Thermostats, Refrigerator, Oven,
Electrical system, Vehicles OS have been compromised. They have been
trying to terrorize us via it, turning it on and off. Cameras, Wi-Fi
down almost every night. Routing, storing all of our internet traffic
to a remote server. Just last week a man came into our backyard with a
weapon. There is more to report. I'm reporting on behalf of several
other victims family/coworkers. 2 years of non stop harassment/cyber
mental torture. Please help us! Thank you!


We are reporting the following incidents/crimes:
Attempted murder on multiple occasions.
We received several Death Threats.
Susie sexually harassed, Full nude photos of men
Vehicle Stolen
Multiple home intrusions/invasions
Multiple Car break ins
Explicit Texts, Pop ups,
Messaging friends and strangers from our Social Media Accounts ex; Instagram, Facebook, iMessage, Mail, Telegram,

I and other family members have filed several reports and we've yet to hear any follow up. Our oldest daughter was sexually
threatened and harassed. She received several photos of FULLY naked
men. She is completely traumatized. Her 5 years old daughter was
harassed in front of our home by some creepy car parked on the block.

Multiple ip addresses
remotely logged into our network continuously for approximately over 2 years now.