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report text feb15

Hello, We have been harassed by this Cyber Gang. We have been

receiving passive death threats. Especially when attempting to report

to law enforcement. They have been messaging our friends and strangers

have with disturbing messages coming from our social media accounts

pretending to be us. Identity Theft/Impersonation. Several of Our

Vehicles were stolen, broken into etc... Receiving naked photos of

men, explicit and disturbing messages, Susan the oldest daughter is

completely scarred. They have been messaging her and she has been

traumatized. She was pregnant during the time. Several fraud alerts,

unauthorized attempts to access our financial accounts, such as Chase

etc... Multiple Funeral homes were sent to us. Constant calls from

Funeral homes looking to pick up a dead body attempting to scare us.

Several armed home invasions/break-ins. Hitmen were sent to our home

fully covered and armed on multiple occasions. We are not joking.

Cyberstalking and online Harassment. DDoS attacks. We can't use our

internet properly for 2 years now. Consuming all of our paid data AT&T

& Verizon our home networks, cell phone data, hotspot etc... Remotely

accessing all of our devices storing all of our personal data on a

remote server. After thorough investigation we were able to locate the

remote IP's/Servers. Here are the Suspicious IP's
